02.02.2015 Настани

Американското Катче во Скопје ве поканува на ...

Американското Катче во Скопје ве поканува на презентација со Д-р. Стјуард Ц. Гилман на тема Fighting Corruption: Building Integrity and Increasing Transparency. Презентацијата ќе се одржи во Американското Катче во Скопје, на 5 Февруари 2015та, 16:00 часот. Доколку сакате да учествувате на овој настан, ве молиме да пратите е-маил на ac.programs@yahoo.com со ваше име, презиме и контакт телефон. Насловот на е-маилот треба да гласи: Fighting Corruption: Building Integrity and Increasing Transparency.

Кратко био на Д-р. Стјуард Ц. Гилман:

Stuart C. Gilman is a senior partner in the Global Integrity Group and works with governments around the world on issues of governance and anti-corruption. He retired from diplomatic service with the United Nations in October 2010. Since retirement has worked throughout the Middle East and Eastern Europe, including a sixteen month consultation in Morocco assisting their anti-corruption agency. He is currently Senior Anti-corruption advisor for UNDP in the Arab region. Gilman has also had assignments with the Council of Europe, the Organization for Economic and Community Development and the World Bank. Before retiring from the UN, he was seconded to the World Bank as the Deputy Director of the Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative and Senior Advisor on governance and rule of law for the UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Previous to this he was Head of the United Nations Global Programme against Corruption in Vienna, Austria.


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