22.11.2020 Живот

Фотографии покажуваат колку е густо населен Хонгконг

Белгискиот фотограф Крис Провуст има серија фотографии од зградите во Хонгконг кои покажуваат колку е густо населен градот. Серијата фотографии „Еден од Ориентот“ нуди поглед на уникатниот изглед на градот кој претставува едно од најгусто населените места за живот на Земјата.

- Хонгконг е екстремно густо населен, никаде на друго место не мора да се справувате со ваква густина. Каде и да погледнете има високи станбени згради - вели Провуст, кој живее во Хонгконг.

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NEW WORK: EDEN OF THE ORIENT swipe for full view The past few months were challenging. As the world went into lockdown, Hong Kong was spared from a major COVID-19 breakout. During these months, I wanted to continue my explorations in the territory with a new series that looks at ‘how do we live?’. In this new series, Eden of the Orient, I ventured out across the vast extents of Hong Kong. Instead of focusing on the city center, with its well-known skyline full of iconic buildings, I was more focused on the 9 Hong Kong New Towns. As about 50% of Hong Kong’s 7,5 million residents live in these new towns, they form the bulk of how most Hong Kong people are forced to live. Hong Kong has a unique set of characteristics, a grouping of different islands with vast country parks covering 75% of the land area. This leaves very little land left to build housing. The results are often staggering, hyperdense areas are set against abundant green. Eden of the Orient is a photo-essay looking at the border between City and Nature, in a context that is unique in this world. Nowhere is this contrast this big, nowhere can you go from a hyper-dense city center to a mountain range of this size. Pictured: LOHAS Park Eden of the Orient Photo-essay by Kris Provoost Link in bio for entire series. #edenoftheorient #krisprovoost #hongkong #apleichau #photoessay #howdowelive #asia #covid-19

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Како што вели тој, во градот често може да се види семејство со 4 члена како живее во мал стан од 40 квадратни метри. Огромните станбени блокови во Хонгконг се резултат на растечкиот број на населението во градот во последниот век, но и на недостигот на рамно земјиште на кое може да се гради.

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NEW WORK: EDEN OF THE ORIENT swipe for full view The past few months were challenging. As the world went into lockdown, Hong Kong was spared from a major COVID-19 breakout. During these months, I wanted to continue my explorations in the territory with a new series that looks at ‘how do we live?’. In this new series, Eden of the Orient, I ventured out across the vast extents of Hong Kong. Instead of focusing on the city center, with its well-known skyline full of iconic buildings, I was more focused on the 9 Hong Kong New Towns. As about 50% of Hong Kong’s 7,5 million residents live in these new towns, they form the bulk of how most Hong Kong people are forced to live. Hong Kong has a unique set of characteristics, a grouping of different islands with vast country parks covering 75% of the land area. This leaves very little land left to build housing. The results are often staggering, hyperdense areas are set against abundant green. Eden of the Orient is a photo-essay looking at the border between City and Nature, in a context that is unique in this world. Nowhere is this contrast this big, nowhere can you go from a hyper-dense city center to a mountain range of this size. Pictured: LOHAS Park Eden of the Orient Photo-essay by Kris Provoost Link in bio for entire series. #edenoftheorient #krisprovoost #hongkong #apleichau #photoessay #howdowelive #asia #covid-19

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Во градот се гради само на 7% од вкупното земјиште. Затоа во Хонгконг има региони со високи згради сместени меѓу зелени планини. Околу 25% од населението живеат во облакодери.

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NEW WORK: EDEN OF THE ORIENT swipe for full view The past few months were challenging. As the world went into lockdown, Hong Kong was spared from a major COVID-19 breakout. During these months, I wanted to continue my explorations in the territory with a new series that looks at ‘how do we live?’. In this new series, Eden of the Orient, I ventured out across the vast extents of Hong Kong. Instead of focusing on the city center, with its well-known skyline full of iconic buildings, I was more focused on the 9 Hong Kong New Towns. As about 50% of Hong Kong’s 7,5 million residents live in these new towns, they form the bulk of how most Hong Kong people are forced to live. Hong Kong has a unique set of characteristics, a grouping of different islands with vast country parks covering 75% of the land area. This leaves very little land left to build housing. The results are often staggering, hyperdense areas are set against abundant green. Eden of the Orient is a photo-essay looking at the border between City and Nature, in a context that is unique in this world. Nowhere is this contrast this big, nowhere can you go from a hyper-dense city center to a mountain range of this size. Pictured: Tseun Wan Eden of the Orient Photo-essay by Kris Provoost Link in bio for entire series. #edenoftheorient #krisprovoost #hongkong #apleichau #photoessay #howdowelive #asia #covid-19

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Идејата за „Еден од Ориентот“ била поттикната од пандемијата. Според Провуст, доколку Хонгконг го забрани движењето на жителите поради пандемијата, тоа би било лошо за менталното здравје на многумина поради големата населеност. Сепак, во Хонгконг има многу природа, а жителите максимално ја користат. Парковите во градот биле спас за многу луѓе од почетокот на пандемијата.

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NEW WORK: EDEN OF THE ORIENT swipe for full view The past few months were challenging. As the world went into lockdown, Hong Kong was spared from a major COVID-19 breakout. During these months, I wanted to continue my explorations in the territory with a new series that looks at ‘how do we live?’. In this new series, Eden of the Orient, I ventured out across the vast extents of Hong Kong. Instead of focusing on the city center, with its well-known skyline full of iconic buildings, I was more focused on the 9 Hong Kong New Towns. As about 50% of Hong Kong’s 7,5 million residents live in these new towns, they form the bulk of how most Hong Kong people are forced to live. Hong Kong has a unique set of characteristics, a grouping of different islands with vast country parks covering 75% of the land area. This leaves very little land left to build housing. The results are often staggering, hyperdense areas are set against abundant green. Eden of the Orient is a photo-essay looking at the border between City and Nature, in a context that is unique in this world. Nowhere is this contrast this big, nowhere can you go from a hyper-dense city center to a mountain range of this size. Pictured: Tsuen Wan, a first generation New Town. Eden of the Orient Photo-essay by Kris Provoost Link in bio for entire series. #edenoftheorient #krisprovoost #hongkong #apleichau #photoessay #howdowelive #asia #covid-19

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Автор: Лизи Крук
Извор: dezeen.com
Подготвил: Драгана Петрушевска


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