Отворени работни позиции за потребите на Локална и регионална конкурентност

Отворени работни позиции за потребите на Локална и регионална конкурентност

Individual consultant services
(extension of the deadline for submission of the Expression of Interest)

Grant No. TF0A1779

Assignment Title no. 1: Architect Expert (one position)
Reference No. MKLRCPP154263CSICC49

Assignment Tittle no. 2: Skills/Organizational Development Expert (one position)
Reference No. MKLRCPP154263CSICC410

Assignment Title no. 3: Civil Engineer Expert (one position)
Reference No. MKLRCPP154263CSICC411

Assignment Tittle no 4: Business Development Expert (one position)
Reference No. MKLRCPP154263CSICC411/1

Assignment Tittle no 5: Tourism Expert (two positions)
Reference No. MKLRCPP154263CSICC411/2

The Local and Regional Competitiveness Project (LRCP) is a fouryear investment operation financed vvith a grant from the European
Union Instrument for PreAccession (IPA II) and administered by the World Bank (WB). LRCP intends to apply part of the grant funds for consulting services under this Project.

The consulting services the Services" for ali individual consultants include conducting evaluation of subproject (grant) proposals
submitted on the call for proposals under LRCP' s Component 3. The experts as part of the Technical Committee will undertake
the evaluation and provide a list with final ranking of proposals, which will be submitted to the PIU, and then to the Cabinet of the
Deputy Prime Minister in Charge for Economic Affairs (CDPMEA) and World Bank (WB). This process will determine which proposed
subprojects will receive funding through the Projecfs subgrant scheme.

Expected duration for the above referenced consulting services are specified in separate detailed Request for Expression of Interest
(REol) for each consultant vvhich along vvith the detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) are posted on the LRCP' s website

The LRCP now invites eligible individual consultants Consultants" to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide their Expression of Interest (Letter of Interest, CV and other relevant document/information in English Language only) demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.

The attention of interested consultants is drawn to paragraph 1 .9 of the World Bank' s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of
Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers dated Јаnuагу 2011, Revised July 2014 Consultant
Guidelines" setting forth the World Bank' s policy on conflict of interest.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with Section V. Selection of Individual consultants set out in the Consultant Guidelines.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours from 8:30 - 16:30 hrs local time.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, by mail, or by email) by June 1sl, 2017 before 16:00 hrs local time.

Project Implementation Unit
Local and Regional Competitiveness Project
Attn: Ana Efremova, Project Director
Str. Guro Gjakovic 60/1, 1000 Skopje
Tel: +389 (0)2 3253 818
Email: procurementlrcp@amail.com

Единицата за спроведување на проектот (ЕСП) „Локална и регионална конкурентност, објавува покана за изразување на интерес за извршување на консултантски услуги - индивидуални консултанти. вкулно 6 експерти. Деталните барања за изразуѕање на интерес (REol) за сите консултанти. заедно со описот на работните задачи (TOR) се објавени на вебстраната на ЕСП „Локална и регионална конкурентност, на https://lrcp.mk. Заинтересираните консултанти треба да достават писмс за изразување на интерес, CV и останати дохументи/информации на англиски јазик најдоцна до 01. 06. 2017 год. пред 16:00 часот по локално време, на погоре наведената адреса.