Европски натпревар за сателитска навигација

Европски натпревар за сателитска навигација

Подготвил: М.Д.


The european satellite navigation competition (ESNC) is again looking for bright ideas using satellite navigation in everyday life.

To bridge the gap from gnss research and academia to entrepreneurship, the esnc university challenge invites students and research associates to submit their ideas until 30 june 2017!
The competition heightens the exposure and credibility of student innovations on a global level while establishing links to the business world.

Do you want to benefit from top prizes? You are a student or research associate? Seize this opportunity and participate in the university challenge of the european satellite navigation competition (ESNC), the leading innovation competition for commercial space applications. In the esnc 2017, special prizes are offered in partnership with the most relevant institutional stakeholders: the european gnss agency (gsa), the european space agency (esa), the german aerospace center (dlr), and the german federal ministry of transport and digital infrastructure (bmvi).

Prototypes can also be entered into the gnss living lab challenge. The university challenge, meanwhile, is explicitly designed for students and research associates. In addition to these special prizes, 20 global partner regions host their own regional challenges. Thereby the esnc provides europe with innovation all along the value chain.

Make your idea a success with great benefits from the leading innovation competition for commercial space applications:

•    awesome prizes worth > eur 1 mio.
•    access to > 160 space-related stakeholders - business support from > 40 incubators
•    great expertise from > 250 experts
•    e-gnss accelerator incubation programm

Boost your satnav-related idea to the next level!

Sign up until 30 june 2017 at: www.esnc.eu