Повик за текстови во рамки на иницијативата „Идните можности на Европа“

Повик за текстови во рамки на иницијативата „Идните можности на Европа“

Future lab лого
Futures of Europe is an initiative in which European citizens seek and discuss answers about the future of life in Europe in the upcoming decades, and their hopes and fears for Europe and the European idea as such.

The initiative is part of and supported by FutureLab Europe, a network of young Europeans that are engaged in a variety of civic initiatives, and will consist of two workshops in Cologne, Germany and Copenhagen, Denmark.


Length: 500-1500 words;
Style: essay;
Quotations: as needed, Harvard in-text quotations preferred.

Deadline: 24 June 2017

Open to: anyone

Award: essays will be posted in the project’s and project partners’ websites and social media