Се бара Менаџер на грантови

Се бара Менаџер на грантови

USAHTs Civic Engagement Project

Job Announeement

Closing tirne and (late: Monday October 23, 201 7, 13:00 The Civic Engagement Project (CEP) is a five year USAIDfiuided program that strives to achieve two objectives: (1) strengthened influence of civil society organizations (CSOs) on issues of public concerns; and (2) increased and sustained youth engagement in public life in Macedonia. The Project is implemented by East West Management Institute (EWMI), in partnership with four local CSOs: the Foundation for Internet and Society "Metamorphosis" the Association for Democratic Initiatives (ADI), the Foundation Open Society - Macedonia (FOSM), and the National Youth Council of Macedonia (NYCM).

The EastWest Management Institute (EWMI) is currently liiring:
Grants Manager

The Grants Manager will work closely with the finance and grants team to assist and supervise EWMI' s implementing partners in ali aspects of their grantmaking activities. S/lie will report to the Senior Grants Manager. The ideal candidate will have the following qualifications:
Minimum five (5) уеагѕ of experience in grants management and compliance for donorfimded programs, experience with USAIDfunded projects preferred;
Knowledge of the CSO sector in Macedonia, preferably in the area of democracy and governance; Well organized, detailed oriented, and able to meet strict deadlines;
Previous experience preparing grant related documents, including Requests for Applications, grant agreements, and other solicitation documents;
Experience organizing grant review committees, managing the review and selection of the received proposals, and negotiating grant budget and scope of work with potential grantees;
Experience in monitoring and evaluation of progress in grantmaking activities towards achieving CEP 's
goals, meeting work plan requirements and M&E targets;
Excellent interpersonal skills and capacity to transfer skills and knowledge to beneficiaries;
University level degree in finance, economics, social sciences, or related field; and
Fluency in oral and written English and Macedonian or/and Albanian.

How to Apply
Interested applicants should submit: (i) a brief cover letter; (ii) aCV that is no longer than three pages; and (iii) the names and contact information for three professional references to: macedoniaiobs(žr' ewmi. org.

Clusine tirne and date: Mondav. October 23, 2017, 13:00
Only tliose selected for interviews will be contacted no calls please.

EWMI does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, race, age, gender, or sexual orientation. For more information about CEP, please visit CEP 's FB page CEP Macedonia.

Ист Вест Институтот за Менаџмент од САД со подружница во Скопје, е независна непрофитна организација која работи на зајакнување на демократските општества. Воедно е главен партнер во спроведување на петгодишниот проект на УСАИД за Граѓанско учество, чија цел е јакнење на конструктивното учество на граѓанските организации во однос на прашања од јавен интерес, како и зголемување и одржливо вклучување на младите во јавниот живот во Македонија, има потреба од Менаџер на грантови и го објавува горенаведениот оглас.