07.12.2021 Препорачани огласи

Германското друштво за интернационална соработка (ГИЗ) - Скопје бара индивидуални консултанти

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Office in Skopje, Antonie Grubisic br.5, Skopje, North Macedonia announces:

Call for expression of interest for provision of services
CoSoft: 83397476
Expert in Capacity Building/ Private Sector Development / Business Support Services, with focus on Quality and safety

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a global service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development.

GIZ Office in Skopje in the frame of the project “EU for Economic Growth (EU4G)” is looking for up to four individual local short-term consultants (one for this technical field and other three required under additional announcements) with experience in Competence and Organizational Development, Private Sector Development (PSD)/ Business Support Services (BSSs) in order to provide support for development of Capacity Building programme and its delivery to local Business Support Organisations (BSOs) from the 4 target areas in North Macedonia (North-East, Polog, and South-West planning regions and Prespa area (Municipality of Resen)).
The project EU4EG aims at increasing the local economic activity and competitiveness in four a.m. target areas by improving access of start-ups and Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) to financing and high value-added services. The duration of the project is four years until 01/2025.

The EU4EG project is co-funded by the European Union Delegation to North Macedonia and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The project is implemented by GIZ in partnership with Area Science Park (ASP) from Trieste, Italy and supported by the BMWi and the Central European Initiative (CEI) as Associates.

Tasks of the expert include to:
• Prepare the respective part of the Catalogue of advanced BSSs for the technical field Quality and safety,
• Define the respective part of the capacity building programme implementing the given general features and principle,
• Prepare materials for the respective part of the capacity building programme,
• Deliver the respective part of the capacity building programme to the staff/experts of the local BSOs,
• Provide follow-up assistance to BSOs when providing support to start-ups and MSMEs by implementing advanced BSSs.

Location: target areas in North Macedonia/ online
Type: Short-term engagement
Expected start date: December 2021- September 2022
Expected workload: up to 24 working days.

How to apply:
All individuals with permanent residence in North Macedonia interested in applying and who fulfill the requirements, should send a Declaration of Eligibility in English language by e-mail latest by 13.12.2021 to MK_Quotation@giz.de.

The subject of the e-mail should be “83397476 Expression of interest (your name)”.

The Declaration of Eligibility of the expert expressing her/his interest must be submitted in signed PDF. It must contain the contact details of the applicant (name, postal address, email, telephone, etc.) and the following information arranged in the following table:

Each applicant may apply for maximum two of the four technical fields: Quality and safety; Export and access to external markets; Standardization; and Design of new products and improvement of existing ones (including electronic design).

Applicants will be short-listed based on their Declaration of Eligibility, and ONLY short-listed candidates will be invited to participate in the tender. Candidates who have not been contacted should consider that there will be no follow-up to their application.

Please note that all correspondence and dealing with the GIZ must be in English or German.

Повик за доставување на услуги: Германското друштво за интернационална соработка (ГИЗ), Канцеларија Скопје, објавува отворена постапка за обезбедување услуги од страна на индивидуални консултанти за развој и испорака на Програма за подобрување на капацитетите на локални Организации за Поддршка на Бизнисите во 4 целни области во Република Северна Македонија (Североисточен, Полошки и Југозападен плански регион и регионот на Преспа – Општина Ресен) во одредени тематски области: Квалитет и безбедност; Извоз и пристап до странски пазари; Стандардизација и Дизајн на нови и подобрување на постоечки производи.

Активен до:    14.12.2021


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