26.11.2019 Живот

По една деценија се откажал од дрогата и сега допира до милиони со неговите објави на социјалните мрежи

Кевин Алтер почнал да се дрогира кога имал 17 години. Брзо завршил на улица и следните 12 години ги минал претежно како бездомник, на рехабилитации, оттргнувајќи се и повторно навлекувајќи се на хероин.

- Не мислев дека можам да се исчистам. Едноставно претпоставив дека засекогаш ќе бидам зависник од хероин - вели тој.

А потоа на неговата 29. рехабилитација добил задача да ја напише својата животна приказна, на која терапевт дал објаснување за проблемот: Се дрогираш затоа што се мразиш себеси.

Ако зависник е среќен со тебе, тогаш веројатно го снабдуваш. Ако зависник ти е лут, тогаш веројатно се обидуваш да му го спасиш животот.

Алтер вели дека тие зборови го поттикнале на размислување и сфатил дека мора да научи да се сака себеси и кога е чист.

Луѓето мислат дека зависниците сакаат дрога. Тоа е погрешно. Дрогата само ги оттргнува од фактот дека не се сакаат себеси.

Сега има 31 година, чист е три години и се смета за најсреќниот жив зависник од хероин, иако е свесен дека ги пропуштил најдобрите години.

Тој направил блог наречен „Дневникот на зависникот“, каде што ги повикува поранешните зависници да ги споделат своите приказни за тоа како се извлекле од пеколот на дрогата. Неговиот блог има речиси 600.000 следбеници, а фотографиите „некогаш и сега“ од поранешни зависници ги преплавуваат социјалните мрежи.

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My downfall started with weed when I was 15. Then, the progression took me through multiple drugs before I found meth. I can remember living in a shed with a guy behind his parent’s house. We wouldn’t sleep for a week at a time. We would use the garden as a bathroom. This guy abused me. He raped me. He took advantage of me. And to deal with this, I self-medicated more. After a restraining order and years of trying to overcome PTSD, I am officially now over a year in recovery. I am studying nursing and dealing with the autoimmune disease I contracted in active addiction by living a healthy lifestyle in the gym. I am so much happier than I ever thought that I deserved. There is NOTHING that I miss about my old life. Recovery is possible, my photos are proof. #TheAddictsDiary #australia #meth #wedorecover #drugaddictionisreal #drugaddict #recovery #crystalmeth #addiction #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #spirituality #spiritualawakening

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My name is Hlynur. I'm 30 years old and I'm from Iceland. I have been battling addiction since I started steroids when I was 19 years old. I was in prison for 14 months in the state of Ceara in Brazil. I was raised by a fantastic family and there were no signs of this upcoming battle while growing up. I developed an addiction while competing in bodybuilding. Steriods, amphetamine, and cocaine. Last year I was smoking crack on a daily basis. I was the arrogant know it all type and I was quite angry, for what reason, I still don't know. But, the emptiness inside was always there until I went to rehab on 5/27/19. Today, I am 78 days sober. I'm humble, because I set my pride aside and asked for help. It saved my life. I'm a living example that even though I went to hell and back, there is still hope! #TheAddictsDiary #recovery #meth #mentalhealth #steroid #heroin #odaat #rehab #detox

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My dope dealer Boobie answers on the first ring, "What's up champ I'm on Guy Brewer, how much you need?" I sit and pause for a moment. My nose is running, my stomach is churning, and my bones are aching for a bundle. The question hits me again? How much do I need? Here's what I need. I need one bundle of low-esteem. I need ten years of pain. I need to be so dishonest that I can no longer decipher the true from the false. I need to hate my life everyday. I need to dread the next day because I know tomorrow I'll be forced to do it all over again. I need to be degraded, and embarrassed. I need to spend everyday worrying about being dope sick and forget about what real life is. I need a decade worth of getting my mother's hopes up just to tear them down. I need 3,650 days of being estranged from my family. I need 28 failed treatment attempts. I need homelessness, and dereliction. I need to spend Christmas year after year in a train station. I need 7 overdoses and 7 emergency rooms to walk right out of. I need the stigma of addiction to make me settle in life. I need to be riddled with fear in every fiber of my being. I NEED TO LOSE EVERYTHING. Boobie pauses for a second and says, "Yeah champ I got that for you, it's 75 a bundle but it's fire today." I try to tell him I don't want it, but all that comes out my mouth is, "I'm on my way." #TheAddictsDiary #heroin #dope #smack #bundle #drugaddictionrecovery #drugaddictionisadisease #drugaddictionisreal #sober #wedorecover

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My name is Nicole and I am a grateful recovering addict. I am currently a little over 10 months clean from IV crystal meth! I was 90 lbs, lived on the streets, lived in a storage unit, manipulated anyone I could. I almost died from sepsis and even still continued to get high after. I could not get clean for my kids even after my son was put into foster care. I tried multiple times and failed. Getting high was no longer fun. It was more than a full-time job and it was exhausting. The insanity of my life was very clear. I did not want to die and decided to give rehab another shot. I left in September and I did not look back. I now weigh 160lbs. I feel and look the best I ever have! I have the mental clarity that I had been longing for. My children have their mommy back. My parents have their daughter back! I may not be where I want to be, but I am one day closer to getting there! These pics are a clear reminder of why I don't want to go back to where I once was! For those still suffering, please know that there is hope! #TheAddictsDiary #recovery #sober #miracle #beforeandafter #meth #heroin #mom #sober #soberaf #hope #faith #miracle #mentalhealth

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They say it is RARE that couples who use together are able to get clean and STAY together. The statistics may be low but it is possible. My fiancé and I are living proof! We met on December 11th, 2014. We were both homeless—injecting Heroin and Methamphetamine. We entered a detox facility on December 26th, 2015. After 5 days of detox, we then were transferred to a residential treatment center TOGETHER! We graduated from that 90-day program, completed an outpatient aftercare program, and then moved into sober living. We are coming up on 4 years of 100% complete sobriety. I want our story to be an inspiration for all of the addicts who are still suffering. I want you ALL to know that if we can do it you can too. Don't be a statistic, fight and fight HARD. Life is waiting for you! #TheAddictsDiary #mentalhealth #recoveringaddict #recovery

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People always told us that two “addicts" can never make it, that we should just get a divorce and go our separate ways. Well, we just couldn't accept that solution. In 2010 after the sudden death of my younger brother & after 10 years of active addiction, we had both finally hit bottom...we each went into a Christ-centered recovery center. We spent almost a year apart from each other both determined for a better life. This year, he in May & I in July, we made 9 years clean and sober and free from addiction together! In August we celebrated 11 years of marriage. Through the power of GOD & a ton of forgiveness, we now live our lives as if our past never happened. Our journey has not always been easy but it has been worth every second. Recovery is possible ❤️ #TheAddictsDiary

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Подготвил: Билјана Арсовска


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